The cloud – what is it and why is it important? To put it simply, cloud computing is the practice of using a network hosted on the Internet, or “the cloud,” to store, manage, and process data. This means you won’t have to maintain or own any physical hosting equipment like bulky hard drives.

People use cloud computing to do everything from streaming videos and hosting websites to delivering software. Companies who offer cloud computing are called cloud service providers (CSP), like us at CB Tech Group. Most CSPs are built on AWS, Google, or Azure.

Types of Cloud Computing

CSPs fall into three main categories. These are often referred to as the cloud computing stack.

Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)

  • This is actually the most common type of cloud computing. With this layout, you rent IT infrastructure, like storage, networks, and servers, that would traditionally exist in a physical datacenter. Instead, the IaaS provider hosts your infrastructure in their own datacenter, so you don’t have to worry about it. Hosting with an IaaS is appealing due to the promise of scalability. However, managed hosting isn’t always guaranteed, and there’s a substantial amount of configuration required to get your project up and running.

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)

  • This vendor includes more of the application stack and offer cloud infrastructure and services. They might also provide products and services like software developing, testing, and maintenance. In fact, Sevaa Group is a PaaS vendor. We offer software development, hosting, and IT management all on our own servers.

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)

  • SaaS usually uses a subscription approach to deliver applications over the Internet on demand. In summary, SaaS cloud providers host and manage the software application, infrastructure, and any maintenance. Users then access the application over the Internet through a browser on their device.

Cloud Deployments

There are three types of cloud deployments:

Public Cloud

  • Cloud service providers completely own public clouds. Businesses and individuals then create and access their accounts through a browser. All servers and infrastructures in public clouds are handled over the internet.

Private Cloud

  • A private cloud is used exclusively by a single business. These clouds can be hosted by a third party cloud provider or physically on the business’s datacenter. All services and infrastructures on this type of cloud are maintained on a private network.

Hybrid Cloud

  • A hybrid cloud combines both private and public clouds. Transferring information and documents between the two clouds is very simple. This allows for more flexibility and deployment configuration options.

Determine which factors are right for you when it comes to hosting your project. Do you expect an influx of traffic? Then scalability is important. Do you want a more hands-off approach to hosting? Then perhaps managed hosting is the way to go.

While it is nearly impossible to anticipate every compliance obstacle that may come your way, you should be prepared to handle as many of them as possible. Being proactive now means that you’ll enjoy peace of mind later. If you have any questions on compliance or need any assistance CB Tech Group is here for you. Like we said earlier it is better to be prepared beforehand then later.